Friday, April 26, 2013

Old Pavilion Pilsner- Marshall Brewing Company

2013-04-08 12.59.15.jpgWhen I first started to drink beers other than Miller High Life and Bud Light, I was twenty one and curious to try new things at bars. My favorite bar to go to back then, the Library of Norman, had brewhouse beers from Coaches on Main Street. Because they were cheaper than all the other options, especially happy hour, I started to explore the different flavors of the house beers.

 The first non-commercial beer I fell in love with was the brew house Pilz (a pilsner beer). So coming back to a pilsner beer seemed so exciting to me. I picked up a Pavilion Pilsner from Campus Liquors and here we go.

The thing I had noticed most about the Marshall Brews so far is the short head retention. The lace is not very intricate eithers. Not so much for an interesting Instragram picture. When it really comes down to it, taste trumps appearance. Though first impressions aren’t as promising.

The aroma of the beer smells like a pilsner but also a little more bitter than other pilsners I have had. The scent isn’t lingering and doesn’t feel heavy.

I took my first sip and just as I thought, bitter. I think that these Marshall Brews have a more bitter overall taste for their brews. I even noticed a hint of bitterness in the Sundown Wheat.

It was not my favorite beer, but if you love IPA’s or Irish style ales, then the pilsner might be a good change of pace.

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